Monday, April 4, 2011

Healthynomics: Getting to the Heart of Cholesterol

Robert W. Horovitz, B.Sc., ND
Naturopathic Doctor
The Lifelong Wellness Company Inc.
Active Health Centre
5871 Hwy 7 E
Markham, ON L3P 1A3
Clinic: (905) 294-0454

For all of those people who might not be aware that they are capable of lowering their cholesterol, triglycerides and improve their overall cardiovascular health, please refer them to my health article posted on Healthynomics.
This cholesterol article features  lab values, common concerns with respect to high cholesterol, and natural treatment options that I offer at my naturopathic private practice located in Markham, Ontario.

As always if you have any questions regarding your health and would like the opportunity to speak with a licensed health care professional, please feel free to e-mail me directly at

Keep promoting Lifelong Wellness!

Robert W. Horovitz Naturopathic Doctor

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Promote a Healthy Stress Response!

Robert W. Horovitz, B.Sc., ND
Naturopathic Doctor
The Lifelong Wellness Company Inc.
Active Health Centre
5871 Hwy 7 E
Markham, ON L3P 1A3
Clinic: (905) 294-0454


What’s Slowing You Down?

Our society is over worked.  It is no secret that stress is a huge correlative killer.  In nature we have evolved to use our stress response to our advantage; to hunt, run away, and simply put, to survive.  A properly functioning stress response is essential to our continual promotion of lifelong wellness.  Problems arise when either too much stress hormone (cortisol) is produced or when we have been chronically stressed for so long that that body loses its ability to produce cortisol as well on a need basis.  How does one measure their ability to cope with stress and what treatment options are available? Before answering, it is important to better understand why proper cortisol control is so important. 

When cortisol is released, we experience certain reproducible physiological changes; our lungs begin to allow for increased oxygen capacity, our heart rate increases, our vision becomes more focused (to name a few). These qualities make for an excellent survival tool, which we still take advantage of today in some ways; athletic perseverance for example.   However, in a corporate setting (when someone is sitting for a large duration of their day), these physiological changes can actually do us harm.  Instead of running or using these changes advantageously, people tend to stay seated and internalize their frustrations/stressors for the remainder of their work day. 

If we do not have proper outlets for stress management, the physiological changes from increased cortisol can lead to elevations in blood pressure and blood sugar.  High blood pressure (hypertension) is called the silent killer, because over time it can lead to massive cardiovascular incidents such as heart attacks or strokes.  Increases in blood sugar lead to increased cravings for sweets and/or simple carbohydrates.  Ultimately, you can see how stress can contribute to weight gain and/or difficulty in losing desired weight. Weight gain is associated with increases in disease risk almost across the board, including diabetes.  

When assessing someone’s ability to cope with stress, there are several measures to be taken.  Symptoms such as low energy, trouble falling or staying asleep, moodiness may all be indicators that you are burdened with stress.  Speak to your licensed naturopathic doctor regarding a thorough case history and dietary analysis.  Time management and proper nutrition is essential for supporting stress.  Vitamin C and B5 in particular are both required by the adrenal glands to produce cortisol.  Eating green, leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are all great sources.  Camu camu is one of the richest sources of vitamin C known.  

I offer my patients a four point salivary cortisol test that is worth considering.  Cortisol can be measured by your medical doctors through a blood sample; however this only tells you what the hormone is doing at that particular instant.  A four point salivary cortisol test measures cortisol at four different times of the day and plots a graph so that information regarding your daily cortisol output may be evaluated.  The connection between stress and sleep is quite apparent.  When looking at a four point cortisol result, the curve should show cortisol being highest in the morning and lowest in the evening.  Your primary sleep hormone melatonin has an inverse relationship with cortisol.  That is, it is highest in the evening and lowest in the morning. 

If a person is chronically stressed and loses their ability to adequately produce cortisol when the body needs it, this pattern is thrown off balance.  Indirectly people resort to artificial energy sources such as sugar and/or caffeine.  These can also dramatically interfere with good quality, restful sleep.  Cortisol is also by far one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory compounds produced by the body.  Since cortisol is typically highest in the morning, people tend to feel worse as the day progresses when they are not feeling well. 

Herbs can be used to help; notably herbs known as adaptogens.  Since there is a long list of adaptogens, each with their own unique properties and constituents, it is important that you always consult with a licensed naturopathic doctor regarding any herbs that you take.  It is vital to obtain proper assessment, dosing, duration, and probably most importantly, follow up as treatments typically change as a person progresses through phases.  Health food stores across the nation are instrumental to our overall well being, but they are not medical clinics.  A fantastic relationship with a knowledgeable health food store clerk/owner, should not take the place of your overseeing health care provider.  Seek out professional advice, inquire about salivary hormone testing, and most importantly don’t stress it. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Promote Detoxification Life Long!

Robert W. Horovitz, B.Sc., ND
Naturopathic Doctor
The Lifelong Wellness Company Inc.
Active Health Centre
5871 Hwy 7 E
Markham, ON L3P 1A3
Clinic: (905) 294-0454


We live in a toxic world; a phrase that has transcended throughout the naturopathic community.  From pollutants in the air we breathe to additives and contaminants in the foods that we eat, and the toys that are children play with, it is no wonder that the topic of detoxification is hot.  Fish is fantastic for your health, but watch out for mercury in our oceans.  Farmed fish?  What about PCBs?  Herbal skin care products can be incredible promoters of healthy, younger looking skin, but watch out for those parabens, PPD’s, and lauryl sulphates.  Let us not forget about propylene glycol; does the sound of applying floor cleaner to your hands and face sound attractive to you?  How about cleaning products such as chlorine bleech, ammonia, etc., all add up to a stockpile that your body does not forget.  

Our bodies are continuously working to survive against the harshest molecular adversaries possible using the most advanced biology available.  Yet as time goes by, our bodies begin to change as a result of this constant bombardment.  We experience chronic inflammatory conditions, migraines, chemical sensitivitie,s and our abilities to cope with daily stressors become affected.  We begin to get fatigued much quicker; our general energy levels are much lower, and are sleeping patterns may be less than sub par.   Emerging research suggests that toxins/hormone disruptors from the environment can profoundly impact our neurotransmitters that affect mood, leading to symptoms of depression and anxiety to name a few.   

If you had access to a method that could measure a large portion of your potential toxic load, would you take advantage of it?  In my opinion, a comprehensive hair mineral analysis is worth a conversation with your licensed naturopathic doctor.  A hair mineral analysis measure long term stores of toxins such as lead, mercury, and aluminum which are implicated in a wide array of disease pathologies.  Someone who is concerned regarding their smoking habits or even exposure to second hand smoke for example might benefit from reading their cadmium levels, which is measured with this test.  Minerals are also important indicators of health.  Calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium (to name a few) are all great indicators of homeostatic balance, which can be correlated with immune function, proper inflammatory responses, and many more.  Minerals are also extremely important for overall promotion of lifelong wellness.  Hair, skin, nails, cardiovascular health, and even the aging process are highly dependent on the various minerals that we are exposed to in our environments and take in through our food.    In my opinion, a detoxification program should always include a proper, thorough case assessment to include various aspects of a person’s life.  A physical exam, dietary analysis, and proper advice given by someone who is qualified should be sought after.   

There are many potential health items that claim to detoxify and thus protect us all from these health deterrents.  People often go on fad short term ‘detox diets’ and/or supplement with a ‘detox in a box’.  The question that I get most often is ‘what should someone expect when undergoing a detoxification program’?  I pose the question back ‘what would you like to feel after a detoxification program?  There are many detoxification systems that promote the idea of ‘the healing crises’.  The idea is that as the body begins ridding itself of dangerous toxins, we begin feeling symptoms of bloating, gas, headaches, nausea; to name a few.  The claim is that our bodies becoming so effective at removing toxics (due to a product/herb that is being administered), that there is an initial build-up in our blood which causes undesirable symptoms that are self resolving.  Thus when the ‘healing crisis’ is over, the detoxification process is progressing positively.  In my opinion, the ‘healing crisis’ is a result of imbalance rather than successful detoxification.  It is the responsibility of both the general public as well as practitioners to be properly informed. 

The body detoxifies certain substances in phases.  Essentially there is the process of metabolizing toxins into different compounds (metabolites).  Subsequently, these potentially dangerous metabolites are converted into forms that can be excreted via our urine/waste.  There are tremendous checks and balances that our cells use that enable these processes to be carried out in synchrony; without dangerous symptoms of the so called ‘healing crisis’.  It is important for detoxification programs to treat the individual person instead of just the masses. 

Ask yourself; what are the most toxic elements in your life?  Speak to your licensed naturopathic doctor about treating those aspects that bother you the most.  Stress for example can be properly assessed and managed via individualized treatment protocols using herbs, nutrition, and acupuncture.  By addressing individual imbalances, you can detoxify your life smoothly and effortlessly.  After all; a comprehensive detoxification program should not be geared towards simply boosting your detoxification system, but rather helping your natural defences work in balance to promote lifelong wellness. 

As a licensed naturopathic doctor, Dr. Robert W. Horovitz offers hair mineral analysis and salivary hormone profiles.  For more of Robert’s lifelong health tips, you can follow him on twitter, facebook and read more articles on his blog:  His clinic is located at 5871 Highway 7 E, Suite 101 in Markham, ON.  Call for a free 15 min consultation today: 905-294-0454.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

CFRB 1010 News Talk: R. Horovitz ND; Cure for the Common Cold?

Robert W. Horovitz, B.Sc., ND
Naturopathic Doctor
The Lifelong Wellness Company Inc.
Active Health Centre
5871 Hwy 7 E
Markham, ON L3P 1A3
Clinic: (905) 294-0454


Kindly me at the above e-mail address and I will gladly e-mail you the file.  It is approximately 5MB in size.  

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Clinic: Active Health Centre, Markham, Ontario

Robert W. Horovitz, B.Sc., ND
Naturopathic Doctor
The Lifelong Wellness Company Inc.
Active Health Centre
5871 Hwy 7 E
Markham, ON L3P 1A3
Clinic: (905) 294-0454


Friday, January 21, 2011

Naturopathic Medicine and Comprehensive Lab Analysis offered by R. Horovitz, B.Sc., ND

Robert W. Horovitz, B.Sc., ND
Naturopathic Doctor
The Lifelong Wellness Company Inc.
Active Health Centre
5871 Hwy 7 E
Markham, ON L3P 1A3
Clinic: (905) 294-0454


Clinic Fees

Initial Appointment: $189
Between 1-1.5 hours and includes a full naturopathic intake, physical exam, lab interpretation (of existing lab reports), in depth nutritional assessment.  Treatments include nutritional (diet, nutritional supplementation) and/or herbal advice based on individual findings.  Physical medical advice such as specific exercises may be recommended as well.

Follow-up Apppointments: $79
Typically 30-45 minutes

Initial Acupuncture: $80
Customized acupuncture protocols designed to treat the individual based on traditional chinese medical findings (symptoms, tongue, pulse) as well as modern naturopathic findings. 

Follow-up Acupuncture: $50

Lab Work: These tests can be incredible tools to help you on your journey to promote lifelong wellness!
Please e-mail me if you have any questions:

Urinary Thyroid: $255:
urine sample collected over 24 hours that measures free T4, free T3, selenium.  The avantage is that instead of a blood test (a snapshot at that moment), this urine sample can give an idea of how the thyroid functions over a 24 hour period.

Salivary Hormone Tests

Complete Estradiol and Progesterone Profile: $354:
takes samples of saliva over a 31 day period and then plots estradiol (most potent estrogen) against progesterone in a curve.  The advantage again is instead of people measuring a snapshot at that moment from a blood sample, a woman can obtain a measurement of these two hormones as they function pretty much over the course of their entire menstrual cycle.  This is a huge plus for women who are menopausal, women who are trying to conceive, women who have other menstrual irregularities (symptoms associated with their menstrual cycle: PMS, fertility concerns, menopause, etc.).

4 Point Cortisol Curve $249:
Cortisol is one of our major stress hormones.  When there is a stressful situation, we need this hormone to actually be stressed in the first place and adequately cope with it.  If someone is stressed all of a sudden for a short while, this hormone may increase too high (not good).  Conversely if someone is chronically stressed for a long period of time (many months or years) this hormone may be too low (not good).  Naturopathic Medicine can help!  People can measure cortisol in the blood through their MD, however again (only a snapshot).  This curve is at 4 different times of a day and taken from saliva (less invasive).  Cortisol should be highest in the morning and then decrease towards the night, so that our major sleep hormone melatonin can take over so that we can get a nice restful sleep.  As you can see, sleep and stress are intimately connected!

Female Panel + Cortisol $435:
we just went through cortisol.  The other hormones measured are Estradiol (major estrogen), Progesterone, DHEA, and Testosterone.  All of these hormones are useful in determine a baseline for wellbeing.  This is an excellent test for someone who wishes to see where they are hormonally as a general check.  DHEA is a measure of adrenal function (to compliment the cortisol) as well as potentially sign of aging. 

Male Panel + Cortisol $373:
same as female but without progesterone and also contains the cortisol curve.

DHT $93:
This hormone is a biproduct of testosterone.  Testosterone can be converted to DHT by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase.  If DHT gets too high, it can be linked with many health related concerns (both male and female); notably regarding prostate health, male pattern baldness, polycystic ovarian syndrome, fertility, acne.

Hair Mineral Analysis $102:
This is a fantastic test for detecting toxicity; notably heavy metals.  People may wish to obtain this test to assess their general health, signs/symptoms associated with heavy metal toxicity (lead, mercury, arsenic, etc.).  Someone who may want to go on a detoxification program may want to look at this test.  Even someone who has been living in an old home (pipes, paint, etc.).
If you or someone you know are on medications that they would like to wean off; pain meds, anxiety/depression meds, etc., consider booking in for an initial visit.  Often naturopathic medicine can even compliment conventional medications to help them work more effectively, and alleviate many of the side effects!  15 minute consults can be booked either in clinic or over the phone for anyone interested and they are free of charge.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Promote Lifelong Detoxification!

Robert W. Horovitz, B.Sc., ND
Naturopathic Doctor
The Lifelong Wellness Company Inc.
Active Health Centre
5871 Hwy 7 E
Markham, ON L3P 1A3
Clinic: (905) 294-0454

Now that the new year is in gear, we all know people that are bringing up the topic of detoxification.  The problem with detoxes in boxes or 'fad' detoxes such as the master cleanse, is that they fail to address the individual.  People detoxify but then experience symptoms such headache, nausea, etc., which the industry calls the 'healing crisis'.  This is the result of the body's detoxification methods being manipulated out of balance.  Too much phase 1 detox and not enough phase 2 is a common example.  This can be avoided with a responsible detoxification program.  I offer a comprehensive hair mineral analysis, which evaluates people for certain toxins (lead, mercury, other mineral contents, etc.). 

My custom detoxification programs are in depth, including a full intake, physical exam, and nutritional work up.  I treat using acupuncture and herbs in addition to nutritional recommendations that are specific to the individual's case.  These therapies are designed to improve and rejuvenate the major detoxification organs (liver, kidney, skin) to promote energy, vitality, and to empower people to move forward with their goals. 

Common skin ailments (eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea) can be treated very effectively.  Overindulgence can be effectively treated (alcohol, smoking, weight gain).  People suffering from migraines, chemical sensitivities, digestive concerns should consider my comprehensive detoxification program designed for them.  I encourage you to speak to your family members, friends, patients about supporting lifelong detoxification.  I am available for free 15 minute consults and as always anyone can reach me anytime at

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Foods You'll Want to Think About; Energy and Mental Well-being

Robert W. Horovitz, B.Sc., ND
Naturopathic Doctor
The Lifelong Wellness Company Inc.
Active Health Centre
5871 Hwy 7 E
Markham, ON L3P 1A3
Clinic: (905) 294-0454

Green Tea: For centuries, green tea has been revered for its energizing properties.  Whole green tea, a source of caffeine interestingly contains L-theanine, revered for its ability to calm the nerves and promote restful sleep.  5-10 cups per day long term has only shown benefit for the heart and the mind. 

Kale: High fiber, combined with powerful disease fighting glucosynolates, is a hormone balancing must have!  Kale is also a very good source of b-vitamins, which are energizing and help support a healthy functioning nervous system

Cacao: High in theobromine, an energizing compound, cacao is also a source of the amino acid tryphtophan, which promotes relaxation and increase the natural production of endorphins.  Combine whole, organic raw cacao nibs with organic goji berries, and you’ll have one of my personal favourite snacks for both energy and mood. 

Wild, Alaskan, Salmon Oil: Omega-3 essential fatty acids contained in fish have been well researched for their ability to nourish the nervous system and improve mental well being.  Did you know that whole salmon does not just contain omega-3 fatty acids, but rather an array of other fatty acids that may have profound health benefits?  Omega 5 and 7 are two such examples.  Moreover, whole salmon oil contains a powerful orange pigment called astaxanthin as well as naturally occurring vitamin D, which have mood modulating properties. 

Sprouted Organic Chia: Chia is a great source of magnesium, b-vitamins, and insoluble fiber.  Additionally, this superfood contains omega-3 fatty acids and is a potent antioxidant reaching an ORAC value that is approximately double that of non-sprouted chia.  For PMS and other potential hormone imbalances, consider a good fiber source such as chia. 

Organic Brown Rice Bran: This food tastes incredibly sweet and is a winner in my opinion in any shake or smoothie.  Having a high b-vitamin content, it is also incredibly versatile in its nutrition.  Compounds such as inositol-6-phosphate are used by the body to coat our nerves and promote a healthy immune system.  It looks great, tastes, great; it is great!

Whey Protein Isolate: Whey is an incredible full spectrum amino acid containing food from dairy.  Whenever analyzing mood disorders, I am compelled to discern whether a patient is consuming enough good quality amino acids throughout the day.  Amino acids are required by the body to produce neurotransmitters and hormones in general so protein adequacy is a must!  Whey protein isolate is relatively low in calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol.  Alongside a good fiber source, protein can help to balance blood sugar for long sustained energy.

Camu camu: A berry from Peru that is one of the highest known vitamin C containing foods in the world.  With an array of other antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, Camu camu has been shown to provide benefit in people suffering from depression.  Interestingly, vitamin C is also required by the body to produce cortisol, one of our main stress supportive hormones.