Naturopathic Doctor
The Lifelong Wellness Company Inc.
Active Health Centre
5871 Hwy 7 E
Markham, ON L3P 1A3
Clinic: (905) 294-0454
Candida albicans is a type of yeast that can lead to all sorts of health problems. Most people identify its overgrowth with vaginal yeast infections, however it can effect many systems. Candida is often referred to as an opportunistic infection. In immune compromised individuals such as people with AIDS or on chemotherapy, it can multiply out of control, hence; if there is an opportunity to attack, it will take it.
Naturopathically, these infections can be adequately controlled if the root cause of their overgrowth is addressed. Most people don’t realize that C. albicans naturally resides in approximately 80% of the human population without causing any adverse reactions. A balanced immune system, stress response, and microflora count all have merit when considering treatment.
Pre and probiotics are excellent for supporting the microflora of the digestive track. Did you know that a large portion of the immune system actually emanates from the digestive track? This is largely due to balanced amounts of healthy bacteria. Think of it as a gigantic circle of life; the good bacteria keep the bad (pathogenic) in balance. Prebiotics include chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke, and dandelion greens whereas probiotics include bacterial strains such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, commonly fortified in commercial yogurts.
Healthy Brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) may confer benefit. When allowed to ferment, the healthy yeast produces a fluid or ‘medium’, containing many health promoting substances that can out compete against other pathogenic fungi.
Since Candida feeds on sugar, maintaining a healthy stress response (in addition to avoiding dietary intake of sugar) is important. Chronic stress can promote inflammatory imbalances and improper functioning of the immune system, which can both support Candida overgrowth. Moreover, people often crave sweets while under stress, which may ‘add fuel to the fire’.
A reputable extracts of oil of oregano has merit in attacking C.albicans. Consider using it at 3 drops, three times per day for 6-8 weeks. During this time, it is wise to use a probiotic supplement containing the fermented medium. Oil of oregano can kill bad bacteria, but also some good if used at high dosages for prolonged periods of time. After 6-8 weeks, taking probiotics at 24 billion CFU twice per day or higher is reasonable to try and establish a healthy microflora. It is important to address other aspects of a healthy immune system, while killing off pathogenic yeast. Hormone balancing, detoxification, addressing other underlying food sensitivities (besides simply avoiding sugar), and maintaining adequate nutrition may address the root cause. Book your free 15 minute consult with Robert W. Horovitz Naturopathic Doctor and ask about salivary hormone tests and hair mineral analysis.
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